nikola deploy

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Tags:  nikola static cms

For a long time I've been looking for an easy way to have a low maintenance and (preferably) low cost blog(ish) kind of thing. Basically a place where I can write some things that may be useful to others.

This is it's first entry, and I'll explain what I used and how I published this blog.

  • Install nikola
pip install "Nikola[extras]"
  • Start up a project and see if it works
nikola init
cd your-project
nikola build
nikola serve
  • Create an aws s3 bucket and sync the output to it and let it be publicly readable
aws s3 sync --delete --acl public-read output/ s3://

That's basically it, then you can skim through the config file that was created by the init command to make changes in order to customize whatever you desire.